My Planner

I was wearing a proud smile when I handed over my Starbucks Christmas traditions planner promo card to redeem a limited edition Starbucks Planner 2013 Planner. This was a big deal for me coz I don’t drink coffee. So I had to strategize to be able to get it. I sought the help of my colleagues. I tried the cold Christmas beverages and actually developed a liking for the peppermint mocha frappuccino. And finally, I am holding on to that planner – “my planner.”

As I browsed over the pages of “my planner,” I had a lot of things going on my mind. I wanted to write down notes immediately, but I wanted to do it “perfectly” – legible handwriting with no erasures. I had to look for a good pen and even contemplated on the color of the ink to have a “perfect” planner.

Then I realized something, as the new year unfolds, I already have plans on my mind. And I wanted my plans to go “perfectly” well for this year. It’s like starting on a “clean” slate with all the things that I have envisioned.

And then I came across Dr. Harold J. Sala’s January 1 guideline and I quote “ Instead of stubbornly holding out for what you want, start praying, “Lord, have your way in my life.”

I know that this is easier said than done.

Hence, I pray for God’s grace so I can willingly, joyfully and with peace in my heart accept His ways in my life for 2013. After all, He is “my planner.”


Photo by Mauie Flores c/o Instagram.

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